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   RE: [dita-fa-edboard] XML.org DITA Focus Area Editorial Board--12 Oct C

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Good suggestions, Bruce.  I see the Wiki as the main engine for organizing
the formal parts of the site and as well as for allowing collaborative
activity by various interest groups, including specializers.  As you
suggest, communities of specializers  would manage their activities in
their own branches of the Wiki, perhaps with a TC mentor to help advise on
the activity from a TC point of view.  If the TC produces some guidelines
and checkpoints for specializers, even that mentoring function could be
minimal, maybe more of a critical review role at stages in the process.

The DITA TC should undertake the development of any core specializations
that would be of widest possible use (like additions to or new bases for
the current concept, task, reference specializations), to be distributed as
part of the main specification.  On the other hand, the TC would formally
recognize and register those community-developed specializations that met a
certification for having used a good community process and that checked out
for proper design pattern, etc..  I see all this as future work, once our
1.1 draft goes to review.  There is no reason why specializers can't get
started finding their stakeholders and defining requirements, even as the
TC knuckles down to suggesting how to go about the full development

Don Day
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
IBM Lead DITA Architect
Email: dond@us.ibm.com
11501 Burnet Rd. MS9033E015, Austin TX 78758
Phone: +1 512-838-8550
T/L: 678-8550

"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
 Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
   --T.S. Eliot

             "Esrig, Bruce                                                 
             <esrig@lucent.com                                          To 
             >                         "'Carol Geyer'"                     
             10/10/2005 03:18                                           cc 
             PM                        dita-fa-edboard@lists.xml.org       
                                       RE: [dita-fa-edboard] XML.org DITA  
                                       Focus Area Editorial Board--12      
                                       Oct Call                            

Carol et al,

First question. Will this area contain information about standardization
activities that fall short of core DITA development? In the TC, we are
saying that not all specializations worthy of standardization will be
standardized as part of the core. I was hoping that there would be a
sequence of areas that would each provide a purpose statement and progress
report on a certain specialization area or application area.

Second question. Will development of a specialization area occur under the
direct auspices of this forum? In the Wikipedia, the content pages have
parallel discussion pages which explain how the current consensus was
arrived at. In this way, the Wikipedia supports page development without
requiring a separate forum.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Geyer [mailto:carol.geyer@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 2:34 PM
To: dita-fa-edboard@lists.xml.org
Subject: [dita-fa-edboard] XML.org DITA Focus Area Editorial Board--12
Oct Call

The Editorial Board for the XML.org DITA Focus Area will hold an
organizational call on Wednesday, 12 Oct, at 2:00 pm ET US. We'll
use conference line: +1-402-756-9000, access code: 162307#.

The Board will discuss editorial policy for the site, board membership and
leadership, content contributions, site maintenance,
technical requirements, sponsorship, and launch timeline.

Note that future coordination issues concerning the Focus Area will be
discussed on the Editorial Board mail list and not posted to
the TC list. All those interested in participating should subscribe to
dita-fa-edboard@lists.xml.org before Wednesday.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Geyer [mailto:carol.geyer@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 12:12 PM
To: 'dita@lists.oasis-open.org'
Cc: 'Robin Cover'; 'mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org'; 'Peter Roden'; 'Rob
Figenbaum'; 'jennifer.linton@Comtech-Serv.com'; 'James Bryce
Clark'; 'Chiacos-Prokos, Christa'; 'Duane Nickull'; 'John Agger';
'mhu@adobe.com'; 'Muzyka, Carolyn'; 'Adi Kabazo'; 'Carey Mar'
Subject: Mail List for XML.org DITA Focus Area Editorial Board

OASIS has created a mailing list for the use of the Editorial Board for the
XML.org DITA Focus Area. All those interested in
participating in this project should subscribe as soon as possible by
sending a request via email to

Planning for organizing board operations and policy, compiling content, and
launching the site will begin next week.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Geyer [mailto:carol.geyer@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 3:21 PM
To: 'dita@lists.oasis-open.org'
Cc: 'Robin Cover'; 'mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org'; 'Peter Roden'; 'Rob
Figenbaum'; 'jennifer.linton@Comtech-Serv.com'; 'James Bryce
Clark'; 'Chiacos-Prokos, Christa'; 'Duane Nickull'; 'John Agger';
'mhu@adobe.com'; 'Muzyka, Carolyn'; 'Adi Kabazo'; 'Carey Mar'
Subject: XML.org DITA Focus Area Meeting Notes

OASIS DITA TC members:
Below are minutes from yesterday's planning meeting on the XML.org DITA
Focus Area. Information on subscribing to the Focus Area
Editorial Board will be distributed to the TC on Monday, and all are
invited to participate.


XML.org DITA Focus Area Planning Call
29 Sept 2005

Attending: Duane Nickull of Adobe; Christa Prokos of Arbortext; Don Day of
IBM; Jennifer Linton and JoAnn Hackos of Comtech; Mary
McRae, Robin Cover, Carol Geyer of OASIS

1. Project Goals

Don provided a brief history of the DITA community. He articulated the need
to provide cohesion for people trying to implement DITA,
foster local user groups, build a DITA community around a website through
collaborative services, and provide a platform for
practitioners and thought leaders who have experiences to share.

Carol presented background on the XML.org site and discussed OASIS'
intention to redesign the interface and add Focus Areas for
OASIS Standards. Each Focus Area will be supported by an Editorial Board
made up of TC members. Focus Area sponsorships will be
offered for 5,000 USD/year; a portion of that may be designated to fund
TC-recommended projects to advance use of the spec.

2. Content

Jen reviewed a list of possible types of content that may be included in
the DITA Focus Area. She stressed the importance of
providing information that's easy to find, including DITA 101 introduction
materials, product data, events calendar, user groups
info. Some of this information would be non-editable; other pages would be
open to public collaboration and contributions, e.g.,
DITA definitions, press releases, case studies, white papers, books, etc.

Don highlighted the advantages of using a wiki to organize best practices,
to facilitate users teaching other users about tools,
maps, and how to manage topic-oriented writing in an organization. He
described DITA as a self-policing community, based on
experiences with the yahoo newsgroup, thus abuse of a wiki would be rare.
The Editorial Board would need to address practices for
regular review of content and removal of inappropriate postings. He
informed us that the OASIS DITA TC talked about using the Focus
Area to nurture DITA specializations, maybe with a TC sponsor of each
specialization area.

The team agreed that the Focus Area would provide links to information
published on other sites (including the Cover Pages) whenever
possible. The intent is not to re-publish existing information.

3. Technical requirements

Mary discussed the technical requirements for publishing the site and
described the advantages of using a wiki with a customized
interface. Team articulated the need to choose wiki software that provides
search capability and support for calendars and
newsletters. We may want to support on-site blogging at some point in the
future, or we may provide links to blogs hosted on other
sites. Team discussed providing IRC, but concluded it was not
necessary/appropriate for the site.

4. Editorial Board and Policy

All members of the OASIS DITA TC are invited and encouraged to provide one
or more representatives to the Editorial Board. An
official TC rep to the Board should be appointed. Ideally, the Board should
have at least one end-user member to be sure the needs
of that audience are represented. Team agreed to publish a lightweight
governance policy, perhaps based on something that's already
in use elsewhere.

5. Action items:

* Carol to post meeting minutes.

* OASIS staff to create mail list for Editorial Board and post subscription
instructions to TC.

* Those interested in serving on the Editorial Board should subscribe to
the mail list and begin refining content outline and
compilation. Jen and JoAnn to post the content work they've done to the
Editorial Board mail list. Board may wish to use TC wiki for
internal collaboration while XML.org wiki is being developed.

* Editorial Board to provide any additional input necessary for technical

* Carol to draft basic Editorial Policy and guidelines for Editorial
Board's review.

* Carol to draft Sponsorship Program details and distribute to TC.

* Mary to finalize technical requirements, work with OASIS IT staff to
implement, and provide timeline to group.

* Carol and Mary to discuss needs with graphic designer.

Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
Voice: +1.978.667.5115 x209


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