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   Re: Must XML be SGML compatible? (Was: An incompatible CData idea)

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  • From: len bullard <cbullard@hiwaay.net>
  • To: Paul Prescod <papresco@technologist.com>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 22:13:30 -0600

Paul Prescod wrote:
> My argument for keeping XML a subset of SGML goes like this


> The language that we use to encode humanity's knowledge should be a true
> standard and not merely a "recommendation." That means that it should
> be built upon our democratic institutions and not vendor consortiums.

Well said, Paul.

I suggest also, if we play this long enough, there 
won't be significant differences between SGML and XML 
*in common practice*.  That's a goal that's easy to agree on but
takes many hands at the table to achieve.

First, demonstrably useful software.  Version 1.0.

len bullard

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