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   Re: SAX-J and the DPH (DJH?)

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  • From: Paul Prescod <papresco@technologist.com>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 08:21:33 -0500 (EST)

At 10:35 AM 12/30/97 -0500, Chris Maden wrote:
>[Sean McGrath]
>> I am wondering where XML-Devers see SAX-J relative to DPH?.
>By definition, the DPH isn't going to have much to do with SAX-J.
>However, you raise a good point; the SAX-J folks should decide whether
>an identity transform is a goal, and if so, comments need to be
>included.  If not, then SAX-J is not an appropriate tool to use for
>document transformations.

If a byte-for-byte entity transform (and not just a grove-identity
transform) is a requirement, SAX-J would have to keep a whole pile of
information about whitespace and perhaps other normalizations that I forget
right now...

 Paul Prescod

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