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   Re: SAX: Status Report

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  • From: Peter Murray-Rust <peter@ursus.demon.co.uk>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 00:01:56

Hi Alex,

At 16:41 07/01/98 -0600, Alex Milowski wrote:
>...on a similar note, having been too busy lately to keep up.
>What is the different between SAX and XAPI-J.  Where did SAX come from?
>What are the requirements, design patterns, etc?
>...a URL for the above, maybe?
>Obviously, I'm confused!  ;-)
Like you, I was sad that XAPI-J didn't get adopted more widely, because a
lot of hard thought had gone into it. The "general consensus" - and I am
only guessing this through discussions on this list and a few RL encounters
- seems to be that XAPI-J is too close to the DOM and perhaps too involved
for many applications.

I therefore thought it was worth raising this again - about a month ago -
and there was a lot of general enthusiasm. David Megginson and Tim Bray
offered to pursue a "simple API" - hence SAX, and we have generated at lot
of valuable input on this list. In my opinion we have homed in on something
valuable, but simpler that XAPI-J.  DavidM and I are jointly producing some
(slightly retrofitted) goals  to measure our current position against. 

David devised 10 questions which he requested comments on, and we have been
analysing these over the last few days. You are welcome to submit comments
- you'll find the Q's on this list

Do not feel that the XAPI-J effort was 'wasted' - perhaps it wasn't exactly
right for that particular time, but it had an important effect on the
construction of interfaces.


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
net connection
VSMS http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vsms, Virtual Hyperglossary

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