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   RE: Off track

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  • From: "Simon St.Laurent" <SimonStL@classic.msn.com>
  • To: "Xml-Dev (E-mail)" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Apr 98 12:23:22 UT

>XML is a colonialist's manifesto. Although colonialism has never been ranked 
>any sort of a sucess in hindsight, a colonialist might just be a frontrunner 
>the inevitable tide. It might not be an ideal scenario, but it's not going 

Apart from the number of people working on XML who are from assorted empires 
and settler states, I'm really not sure what on earth you're talking about.  I 
know there are several issues with Unicode (65000 characters isn't enough), 
but what in XML is so 'colonial'?

Simon St.Laurent
Dynamic HTML: A Primer / XML: A Primer / Cookies

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