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   Re: Name for XML DTDs

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  • From: jeremy@omsys.com (Jeremy H. Griffith)
  • To: "Xml-Dev (E-mail)" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 22:07:43 GMT

On Sun, 24 May 98 20:02:57 UT, "Simon St.Laurent" <SimonStL@classic.msn.com>

>How about XTD?  It could stand for Extensible Type Definition or XML Type 
>Definition.  It would recognize that XML is used for more than documents, 
>while leaving Typing as its activity.  (No, it won't write my books for me. If 
>only...)  It's also short, which I think is good.

Sounds right.  I think you have a winner there...

Jeremy H. Griffith                        jeremy@omsys.com 
VP, Software Development             http://www.omsys.com/
Omni Systems, Inc.             California and Vermont, USA               

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