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   [RFC] Whitepaper on Visual XML

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  • From: Dan Ancona <dan@intervista.com>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 13:33:28 -0700

A draft of a whitepaper that I've written called "Visual XML: Authoring,
Publishing and Viewing Structured Information" is now available on the VRML
Consortium's website:


I'm mostly thinking about the rendering of arbitrary XML files in VRML
rather than HTML.  I have some experience with SGML, but I'm definitely
coming at this from the VRML side of things so I do have some unresolved
issues regarding how this work might fit in with stylesheets, the DOM,
XPointer & XLink, and XML's design goals in general.  Any comments
regarding those areas are especially welcome.

I think the most interesting possibilities lie in what 3D rendering might
mean for XLink, so if you're the type who likes to skip to the juicy parts
(like me), you might want to check out that part first. :)  And please feel
free to forward this announcement to other lists as appropriate (it's just
been posted on www-vrml, but that's it so far).


Dan Ancona							 "engage!"
Tech Support, Evangelism and Cookery   Intervista Software

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