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  • From: "Portillo, Christina" <Alice.Portillo@PSS.Boeing.com>
  • To: "'xml-dev@ic.ac.uk'" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:13:03 -0700

XML states that "Text consists of intermingled character data and
	SGML defines this as:
	[50] SGML character = markup character | DATACHAR
	[51] markup character = name character | function character |

In my mind SGML DATACHAR and XML Char are equivalents.

The XML defintion of CharData confuses me when I try to read it. Does
this really force inclusion of the "-" and "]]>" in CharData?
	[14] CharData	::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)

It seems to read that CharData is:
(Char less [^<&]* ) followed by  -  followed by (Char less [^<&]*)
followed by ]]> followed by (Char less [^<&]*)

Does this produce the intended result when CharData 
becomes part of:
	[43] content ::=  (element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI
| Comment)*
and content 
becomes part of:
	[39] element ::= EmptyElemTag | STag content ETag
	[78] extParsedEnt ::= TextDecl? content

Can someone tell me how to correctly read CharData?
Christina Portillo
Product Definition and Image Technology

The Boeing Company               Phone: 425.237.3351
PO Box 3707   M/S 6H-AF       Fax:     425.237.3428
Seattle, WA  98124-2207         christina.portillo@boeing.com

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