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   RE: How do browsers (IE4.01) trap XML st

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  • From: Graham Moore <graham.moore@dpsl.co.uk>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk,amitr@abinfosys.com
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 14:38:48 +0000


This bit is just concerned with fact that if your asp creates a page that 
has links to other asps on your site, that also generate XML, then you 
cannot simply have

<a href="myasp.asp">xxxxxxxxx</a>

as then the XSL control will not get an opportunity to process it. Therefor 
any links that an asp page generates will have to make a call to the activeX 


<!-- this link was generated by a call to a previous asp page -->
<a href="javascript:top.XSLControl.documentURL = myasp.asp">xxx</a>

The idea of processing on the server was just a suggestion and personally I 
would not do this as you have then lost the structure that XML provides. 
 The IE5.0 DOM is more generic that ie4.0 and will provide better access to 
the document structure.


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