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   Re: Expanded names are not enough

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  • From: James Clark <jjc@jclark.com>
  • To: Tim Bray <tbray@textuality.com>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 14:21:09 +0700

Tim Bray wrote:
> At 10:41 AM 8/6/98 +0700, James Clark wrote:
> >For example in an XSL stylesheet an element representing a rule can
> >contain an attribute value with a string such as "ns:foo" with the
> >semantic that this rule matches an element in the source of a type which
> >has a local name "foo" and a URI equal to the URI in effect for the
> >prefix "ns" on the rule element in the stylesheet.
> Yes, but the person writing the stylesheet knows what namespace his
> rule elements are in, right? 


> So in effect, you're still specifying a
> match based on the underlying URI, not the prefix?

Right.  The point is that if a parser just gives me the expanded names
for element type names and attribute names then I can't do the match on
the underlying URI because I can't get the underlying URI for the prefix
in the stylesheet.  If I have in attribute in the stylesheet:


the application needs to be able to map "foo" to the associated URI. 
The parser can't do it automatically, because it has no way of knowing
that the value of the match attribute is supposed to be treated as a
qualified name.


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