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   wd-xml-names: resolve the element name in the scope of its containing el

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  • From: james anderson <James.Anderson@mecomnet.de>
  • To: "xml-dev@ic.ac.uk" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 21:45:49 +0200

VI resolve the element name in the scope of its containing element.

until an element name is resolved, it is not possible to determine which (or
even whether a) element declaration applies unless the prefixes are awarded
global status. which method namespaces are intended to avoid.

the containing element (or the document entity) could (assuming the encoding
is supported) just as well provide the binding. this would avoid the ambiguity.

what is the argument for having an element qualify its own identifier?

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