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   Re: More on Namespaces (also long, but also optimistic)

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  • From: Peter Murray-Rust <peter@ursus.demon.co.uk>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 14:44:58

At 10:56 17/08/98 -0400, Charles Reitzel wrote:
>I attempted a post earlier, but I now realize this is a moderated list.

NO! You have to subscribe but you appear to have done this successfully!
Theoretically HenryR and I have the power to unsubscribe people but that
hasn't happened and I doubt it will (other than perhaps for spam). I
occasionally make moderatorial messages on the list (LISTRIVIA) suggesting
styles of posting.  [Recently I received two private posts - one repeated
thrice - suggesting these were too frequent and so the rest of August is
holiday season for LISTRIVIA. Go wild!]

>Perhaps whoever recieves this (Mr. Murray-Rust?) would be kind enough to
>forward this mail to the list or, even better, to folks in the WG.

It's already on XML-DEV> XML-DEV offered its services to the WG for helping
to provide a forum where namespaces could be worked out. There are a number
of WG members who read XML-DEV and I think your points will be carefully
considered by them. If they think that there is something new I am sure
they will re-post it to XML-WG (private W3C list).

Note that there has already been a lot of (private) discussion about
namespaces and it is probable - though not inevitable - that ideas posted
here will have already been considered. Thus the <|NAMESPACE> and
<?NAMESPACE?> construct have certainly been thrashed out - I can't remember
why they weren't adopted. I appreciate that for you this is frustrating -
it doesn't mean your post won't be read. The chance of any reversal of the
current syntax is extremely improbable, but I'm not suggesting it can't be
discussed. However, as always on XML-DEV out highest priority is to try to
make the current draft or spec actually work and do something useful. So
several people (including me) are hacking software to make namespaces do
something. If the work/don't_work you'll read about it here :-)

>I hope you find these comments and suggestions constructive.

I did. I am sure that they will be considered by a number of people. Don't
be too downhearted if they don't get enthusiastic support - it happens to
all of us. Not all my postings get 'answered' :-)


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
net connection
VSMS http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vsms, Virtual Hyperglossary

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