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   Re: SOX

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  • From: Graham Moore <graham.moore@dpsl.co.uk>
  • To: peter@ursus.demon.co.uk,xml-dev@ic.ac.uk,b.laforge@jxml.com
  • Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 10:11:56 +0000

>I see two distinct things here:
>    1. Serialization
>   2. Document processing.

I think that serialisation is a part of an object system. We are dealing 
with object systems that can be - potentially - viewed through multiple 
functional lenses. To enable this we've decided upon a standard way to 
serialise and instantiate instances - XML and domBuilders.

>When processing a document, the application should decide on
>the classes to be used depending on (a) the markup language
>of the document and (b) how the document is to be processed.

I agree. Although I dont think we should think of processing documents. We 
should view it more generally as invoking operations on an object model.

>For serialization, the mapping should be specified in the

The elementNode would / should provide the XML serialisation, any further 
serialisation formats are implemented in the functional mixins, as are the 
application specific methods. The application will serialise the structure 
as and when it needs to. If I'm sending my object model to an XML aware 
process then i'll use the elementNode serialiseXML method, if I'm sending it 
 as the response to a request for a web page then I'll call the mixed-in 
serialiseHTML method.

>> But we should be able to mix these.

A  delegation model would support the dynamic inclusion and reconfiguration 
of the functionality of a given instance. Thus providing multiple functional 
mixins and multiple mixin configurations.



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