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   Re: More namespaces perversion

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  • From: Paul Prescod <papresco@technologist.com>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:17:13 -0400

Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
> The current namespace spec *deliberately* provides no semantic resolution.
> I argued against this because it seemed a recipe for chaos. So far I
> haven't been proved right or wrong - we are still in the inaction phase.

I disagree. XSL exists and is defined as a namespace. The mechanism seems
to work fine. Not only is there no need to point to a schema for XSL,
there is no schema to point to: the only "schema" is the XSL specification
itself. Any actual schema for XSL would have to depend heavily on the
equivalent of XML's "ANY" keyword. It is good that the WG did not force a
schema on people who do not want one. What would have been the benefit in
requiring XSL to declare conformance to a schema that would be so loose as
to be useless *anyway*? No one schema language can define all languages,
which is why it is best not to tie namespaces to any schema language.

 Paul Prescod  - http://itrc.uwaterloo.ca/~papresco

Bart: Dad, do I really have to brush my teeth?
Homer: No, but at least wash your mouth out with soda.

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