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   Regarding XSchema : Section 4.3.1

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  • From: "Amit Rekhi" <amitr@abinfosys.com>
  • To: "Xml-Dev (E-mail)" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:28:17 +0530


            I was going through the XSchema spec. and had a few doubts. If
someone could throw light :-

*            The section 4.3.1 of the XSchema spec "Converting DTDs to
XSchema Documents" states that Parameter entity declarations may be
converted to parsed general entity declarations and use.

            If this were to happen then this means that the resulting
XSchema would have a DTD (internal/external subset) which would house the
converted parameter entity declarations as general entity declarations since
XSchema does not give any construct for Parsed General Entity declarations.
            Am I right?

*         Section 4.3.1 also states that Parsed general entity declarations
CANNOT be transformed to XSchema structures.

            If we may transform parameter entity declarations (from a source
DTD) into corresponding general parsed entity declarations (in the target
XSchema) , then why the restriction in case of general parsed entity

            Any help would be appreciated ,
            Thanks in advance,


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