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   RE: Regarding XSchema <Model> element

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  • From: Ronald Bourret <rbourret@ito.tu-darmstadt.de>
  • To: "Xml-Dev (E-mail)" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 14:39:52 +0200

Amit Rekhi wrote:

>             The XSchema DTD suggests that I could very well have a <Model>
> element within the root <XSchema> element. In this case how would I
> associate the <Model> with it's <ElementDecl>?

At this point in time, you can't.  The same is true when AttDef/AttGroup elements that do not have an Element attribute and Enumeration elements are placed directly under the XSchema element.

The purpose of such elements under XSchema is to allow an XSchema element to act as a container of free-floating definitions.  These can then be reused, using a mechanism we hope to specify later (probably XLinks).  For more information, see sections 5.2.4 and 5.2.6.

-- Ron Bourret

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