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   Re: Selective parsing of elements

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  • From: RJA@dip.co.uk
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 15:23:30 +0100

Richard J. Anderson@DI
10/23/98 03:23 PM

>I want to parse select XML tags, and pass the remaining ones 'as-is'. Is
>there a way, or is there a certain parser, that will allow me to
>'register', for example, the tags I'm interested in, and pass the rest as
>PCDATA? Is there anything wrong with this approach?
Could you expand a little bit more on your requirements as its sounds quite
like a project I'll working on.

1. Who are you passing the tags on to, another part of the your application
2. How do you want to locate the tags.  eg. do you want the name tag within
an person ala XSL ?
3. What langugue etc are you looking.

Kind Regards,

Richard Anderson

***  This post is of a personal nature and does not in anyway represent the
opinions or developments of Data Interchange Plc

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