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   Re: CDATA by any other name... (was The raw and the cooked)

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  • From: "James Tauber" <jtauber@jtauber.com>
  • To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 01:11:56 +0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry S. Thompson <ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
>What he said.  The DOM made a serious mistake here in my opinion: it's
>stranded in no-person's-land between raw and cooked, without being
>either.  It's not cooked, because it gives you EntityReference and
>CDATA nodes.  It's not raw, because it DOESN'T give you character
>entity references.

Notwithstanding your main point, it is worth noting that entity references
and character references are handled differently (q.v. literal entity value
versus replacement text) so at least in this regard, a cooked-raw
distinction isn't fine enough.


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