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   Re: Computer Weekly

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  • From: "Andrew Fitzhugh" <fitzhugh@cup.hp.com>
  • To: "Michael Kay" <M.H.Kay@eng.icl.co.uk>, <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 10:27:14 -0800

I did not read the article (I'm not willing to register and supply them all
personal contact information they required), but they may have it right.  I do
know that Microsoft had a press release earlier this year on SOAP (Simple Object
Access Protocol).  SOAP is an XML-based way to do RPC-like things, and could be
an alternative protocol to be used to extend DCOM to the Internet.  MS has said
nothing about SOAP since the initial press release, perhaps they are talking

-- Andy
Andrew Fitzhugh                                      fitzhugh@cup.hp.com
HP Internet Imaging Operation                   http://hplaef.cup.hp.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kay <M.H.Kay@eng.icl.co.uk>

Computer Weekly, a popular trade paper in the UK, leads its front page this
week with an article on XML, claiming somewhat incoherently that Microsoft
are pushing it as an alternative to DCOM. If anyone knows what stick they
got the wrong end of, I would be interested to know!

See www.computerweekly.co.uk (registration required).

Mike Kay

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