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   Embedded vCard

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  • From: "Makelainen, Milla [HAL02:HK00:EXCH]" <milla.makelainen.millam@nortel.co.uk>
  • To: 'XML Developers' List' <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:44:41 -0000

Hi all,

My problem is the following and I hope somebody here can help me out:

I have a XML document as an answer to a query that looks roughly like this

<? xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE answer SYSTEM "answer.dtd">

Now, I want to embed vCard DTD
(http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-dawson-vcard-xml-dtd-02.txt) into
the document so that inside <caller> and <receiver> I would have vCard
element (something) like this:

		<vCard version ="3.0">

So, one answer I guess would be using namespaces? Could I use namespaces in
the following fashion:

<? xml version="1.0" ?>
<answer xmlns="answer.dtd" xmlns:vcrd="vCard.dtd">
		<vcrd:vCard version="3.0">

However, Frank Dawson recommends in vCard DTD using the following:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE answer SYSTEM "answer.dtd" 
<!NOTATION vCard SYSTEM "vCard.dtd">
<!ENTITY cllr SYSTEM "Milla.vcf" NDATA vCard>
<!ENTITY rcvr SYSTEM "Henry.vcf" NDATA vCard>

	<caller vcard="cllr"></caller>
	<receiver vcard="rcvr"></receiver>

So problem isn't maybe about how to do the embedding, but more like is there
a standardised way of doing this. Also, do you have any idea of how
validating parsers around would deal with embedding? I have been burning my
brain with this - in vain so far - so I really appreciate any ideas you


Milla Makelainen
Smart Network Technology, Nortel Networks
email: millam@nortelnetworks.co.uk
tel. +44 (0) 1279 403270
mobile +44 (0) 780 149 5538

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