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   RE: XML and (K)Office

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  • From: "Matthew Sergeant (EML)" <Matthew.Sergeant@eml.ericsson.se>
  • To: "'David Megginson'" <david@megginson.com>, "XML Developers' List" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:20:50 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	David Megginson [SMTP:david@megginson.com]
> Daniel Veillard writes:
>  >   Yep, Gnumeric uses XML (actually gzipped XML on disk) and uses
>  > namespaces.  I'm pretty sure it's incompatible, since when I coded
>  > the XML export I didn't know that KDE would do alike. There is a
>  > virtual cookie reward to the first sending me a good example of KDE
>  > spreadsheet XML file :-) . A clean DTD would be even better.
> Doesn't the recipe for virtual cookies come with the Gnu Emacs
> distribution?
> Anyway, let's get this right -- I think that it's healthy for both
> Gnumeric and the KOffice Spreadsheet program both to exist, but there
> is no excuse for them to use entirely incompatible formats.  As a
> matter of fact, if we could convince KDE and Gnome to use compatible
> XML formats for lots of things (like interface construction), the
> media's predictions of a Linux fracture will be proven to be hot air.
	Although I agree to an extent, if they have different feature sets
it's pretty unlikely that you're going to get an entirely perfect agreement
on a spreadsheet DTD.

	However, that's the beauty of XML. Writing a converter from one
format to another is trivial in the extreme, so it's not a huge issue in my
(humble) opinion.


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