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   Re: XML trade off 1 - DTD vs XML Schema

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  • From: "Rick Jelliffe" <ricko@allette.com.au>
  • To: "'XML Dev'" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 03:18:32 +0800

 From: John E. Simpson <simpson@polaris.net>

>At 04:04 PM 07/17/1999 +0800, Rick Jelliffe wrote:
> [very useful summary of DTDs, schemata, infoset...]
>>and anonymous content types.
>What's an "anonymous content type"?

In a little note "Richer Anonymous Content Types" 
I have suggested that there are other declared content
types apart from EMPTY and ANY that might be
useful for XML Schemas.   (The content typing is anonymous
in that it specify kinds of content models without
actually naming the element types. This might fit in
with XML document usage better than simple
"open" and "closed" content models.)

I suggest:

Rick Jelliffe

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