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   Re: Linking (using embed) and XML Schema

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  • From: Tim Bray <tbray@textuality.com>
  • To: "xml-dev@ic.ac.uk" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 11:39:40 -0700

At 12:48 PM 8/4/99 -0500, Paul Prescod wrote:
>The XLink committee knows that the behavior attributes are not

This is not correct.  However, the behavior attributes are among the issues
currently at the front of the XLink WG discussion queue.  Some (e.g. Paul) 
have argued for simply removing them, others for putting in substantially
more detailed explanation of their semantics.  Some think they're OK
the way they are.

And I don't think it's out of place to report in this venue that 
the XLink WG has placed itself on a very short deadline to get its
long-overdue job done.  Watch for a rapid succession of Working Drafts
converging to a Proposed Recommendation in the immediate future.

Stay tuned.  -Tim Bray, Co-Chair, W3C Xlink Working Group

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