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   Why no CDATA in XSLT.

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  • From: "Wang, Dapeng" <Dapeng.Wang@Dresdner-Bank.com>
  • To: "Xml-Dev (E-Mail)" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 16:41:58 +0200


I'm facing the problem that I have to translate XMLs to some own designed
markup languages similar to HTML. But the destination markup up language is
not well formed in the sense of XML. So I have to output some ill-formed
tags like <use date> in the XSL rules. But I think there is no way to output
< and & as raw data. Neither is CDATA-section allowed. How can I solve this

I think CDATA-section is neccessary for XSLT, for people do not always
translate one XML into another XML, but especially in this beginnng phase,
also translate XML to non-XML like HTML. I knew that Microsoft has defined
its own xsl:cdata. Is there any other tool which can handle it correctly.


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