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   English dictionary in XML?

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  • From: Michael Dyck <jmdyck@netcom.ca>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 22:36:58 -0700

MICRA, Inc. (http://humanities.uchicago.edu/homes/MICRA/) is working on a
freely-available online knowledge base, which currently includes a marked-up
version of Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (G&C Merriam Co., 1913,
edited by Noah Porter), with over 100,000 headwords. It's still a work in
progress: many of the pronunciations and Greek etymologies are missing, and
it needs a lot of proof-reading, but it's a huge start. (It's the basis for
a searchable dictionary at
http://humanities.uchicago.edu/forms_unrest/webster.form.html, hosted by the
University of Chicago's ARTFL Project.)

The marked-up text of the dictionary can be downloaded from
ftp://ftp.uga.edu/pub/misc/webster. There are 24 files (generally one file
per letter). Zipped, they total 11.4 Mb. Unzipped, I'd guess 35-40 Mb.

Now they're not in XML format, but they're close. I'd be willing to do the
conversion, but I don't have the space to host the result.  Does anyone want
to volunteer some web space?

-Michael Dyck

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