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   XML Repositories

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  • From: ROB.S.HINES@nttc-pen.navy.mil (ROB S HINES)
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 10:32:14 -0500

        Being a newbie to the group I have what I consider a burning question,
but has probably already been hashed out. If someone would point me in the right
direction I would be quite appreciative. Basically I need to make some decisions
regarding my position on Repositories for XML data, specifically Computer Based
Training developed in XML. There will be thousands of courses residing in the
repository, served up world wide.
        My initial position was to go with an Object Database, in particular
something built around a solution like POETS Content Management System. However,
there have been many individuals that dislike this idea, and balk at the idea of
leaving the safety of the well know RDBMS community. I believe that it is
"natural" to use an ODBMS as an XML repository, although it "can be done" in an
RDBMS. However, I do not seem to carry enough weight to convince all involved.
So either I'm wrong or I'm right, and I would greatly appreciate being
vindicated or proved wrong. Please provide me with your opinions, and point me
to any technical documents that shed light on the issue. Thanks in advance.

Very Respectfully,

Robert S Hines
Senior Program Analyst
CBT Development Center
NTTC Corry Station
w (850) 452-6061
w (850) 452-6062

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