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   Re: SAX2: Interning names in namespaces

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  • From: terje@in-progress.com (Terje Norderhaug)
  • To: xml-dev <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 12:53:34 -0800

At 6:26 PM 2/6/00, David Brownell wrote:
>Stefan Haustein wrote:
>> Terje Norderhaug wrote:
>> > At 4:46 AM 2/5/00, Stefan Haustein wrote:
>> > > Terje Norderhaug wrote:
>> > >> I suggest that parsers interns each name as a separate string in the
>> > >> namespace it belong to. ...
>> would expect that both strings are java-interned. Also, you
>> would not be able to compare just against a constant.
>It'd be 'string.equals', the pricey one.

That would be the same if no names were interned, so later comparasion is
no worse off if names are interned in their namespace (but instead better
off for those that know how to take advantage of name identity).

-- Terje <terje@in-progress.com> | Media Design in*Progress

   Software for Mac Web Professionals at <http://www.in-progress.com>
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