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- From: Steven Champeon <schampeo@hesketh.com>
- To: xml-dev@xml.org
- Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 00:08:39 -0500 (EST)
Just a couple of notes. (I'm sysadmin for Simon's server, and have been
running majordomo lists for years)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Received: from oasis.oasis-open.org (lists.oasis-open.org [])
by hesketh.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id WAA28100;
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 22:48:41 -0500
Received: (from majordomo@localhost)
by oasis.oasis-open.org (8.8.8/8.8.8) id VAA25286
for xml-dev-out; Wed, 9 Feb 2000 21:30:03 -0500 (EST)
Based on these two headers, it looks like there's about a 1:18 delay
between when oasis received the message from Simon and when it was
delivered back to the server it came from :) Of course, I rejoined
xml-dev fairly recently, so I'm probably at the bottom of the members
list. (And likely to be in the same set of outbound messages, if the
oasis sendmail server is configured to group messages being sent to
the same remote server.)
X-Authentication-Warning: oasis.oasis-open.org: majordomo set sender to owner-xml-dev@xml.org using -f
This line can be removed by adding 'majordomo' to the sendmail.ct
file or by specifying majordomo as a trusted user in sendmail.cf:
# Trusted users #
# this is equivalent to setting class "t"
Either method will work.
If the Oasis folks need help configuring majordomo to use a faster mail
processor for lists like xml-dev, please feel free to ask. I'm using
'bulk mailer' for a ~800 member list I admin (and of which Simon is
also a member) and it reduced queue processing from 4-24 hours to a few
minutes. Pretty amazing.
You will likely need to edit the source to remove the version and name
identifier from bulk_mailer.c, c. line 960, as many folks filter on the
version header thinking it to be a sure sign of spam. (Which it may well
be, but that doesn't mean spammers have to ruin the day for legit bulk
mail purposes like xml-dev...)
In majordomo.aliases, you'll need to modify the line that aliases
'xml-dev-out' to use bulk_mailer, a la:
xml-dev-out: :include:/path/to/xml-dev/members
xml-dev-out: "|/path/to/bulk_mailer xml-dev-owner@xml.org /path/to/xml-dev/members"