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   Re: Feature Manifest (Was:RE: Parser Behaviour (serious))

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  • From: Peter Murray-Rust <peter@ursus.demon.co.uk>
  • To: <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 17:53:59 +0100

At 12:25 PM 4/6/00 -0400, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>At 10:57 AM 4/6/00 -0400, Frank Boumphrey wrote:
>>Nice, but  practically I don't see W3C doing ANYTHING to make it easier to
>>use or extend the life of DTD's, so it would have to be in a separate
>>processing instruction.
>More than that, there's this bit from the W3C Recommendation _Associating
>Stylesheets with XML Documents_:
>>The W3C does 
>>not anticipate recommending the use of processing instructions in any

Yes, but we are not asking the W3C to recommend anything. SAX is not
recommended by any XML-specific body as far as I know, although we have
talked about whether OASIS might have a role.

The W3C clearly *approves* of PIs since it included them in XML1.0. We are
simply suggesting a use for them (if, indeed, a solution is to be found
through PIs). The more people who use this approach, the more acceptable
the PI concept becomes and the happier the proponents of PIs might be.


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