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   Re: what Napster means for XML

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  • From: Niclas Olofsson <gurun@acc.umu.se>
  • To: "'xml-dev@xml.org'" <xml-dev@XML.ORG>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 01:44:19 +0200

"Simon St.Laurent" wrote:
> Does infrastructure drive architecture?  Which way does 'if you build
> it they will come' operate?  

chicken/hen, I wouldn't know...

> I'd like to see better internet infrastructure,
> but I'd also like to see appropriate (not necessarily new)
> architectures for information exchange.

The right tool for the job, if I understand you correct. Instant
messaging and presence information may be (sort of) one example of what
you are looking for then. Have a look at the work of the IMPP workgroup
(http://www.ietf.org), even though there isn't a protocol out there yet,
its looking very XML'ish.

> Keeping up and catching up is always difficult.  Fortunately, while
> XML is more verbose/less information-dense than most formats, the
> number of bytes needed to convey a message is typically smaller than
> audio or video.  
> I don't think we're trying to launch oceanliners in  
> small ponds here.

I guess the day someone invents <data Content-Type='video/mpeg'
Content-Transfer-Encoding='base64'> we will have a problem. 
I'm defenently no XML guru, but the parsers are way to good not to
missuse. Thanks to XML, DOM and XSLT I'm programming stuff I wouln't
even have dreamed about a year ago. And most of it is some obscure
missuse of parser technology..

  ..and it just gets better :-o


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