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   Re: Possible changes for XML 2nd Edition

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  • From: burtonator <burton@relativity.yi.org>
  • To: xml-editor@w3.org, "xml-dev@xml.org" <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 15:54:27 -0700

John Cowan wrote:
> The XML Core WG would like input from the xml-dev public, particularly
> those of you who have implemented XML parsers, on the following points:
> Issue PE28:
> Currently the XML Recommendation is silent about the handling of
> documents that contain "impossible" bytes.  For example, the byte 0xFF
> cannot appear in any UTF-8 encoded document.  We are considering making
> such violations of the encoding a fatal error.


This is really needed.  The RSS space has XML from many remote sources
(currently about 1700 URLs).  I have noticed that a significant
percentage of these contain illegal characters which just basically
break things.  I am having to filter out this info with a text processor
and *then* pass it to my XML parser.  This is just too much of a
kludge.  People should be required to fix their XML if they want it to
work in a universal manner.  A good portion of the RSS producers don't
know that their XML is flawed even though it might be considered
well-formed by most parsers.


Kevin A Burton (burton@apache.org)
Message to SUN:  "Please Open Source Java!"
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