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   SAX 1.0 and XSL trouble

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  • From: "Bruce Snyder" <bsnyder@pengroup.com>
  • To: xml-dev <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 12:58:33 -0600

I'm using the following libs under WinNT4 SP5:

SAX1.0 (sax.jar) - James Clark
XML-TR2(xml.jar) - Sun 
XP(xp.jar) - James Clark
XT(xt.jar) - James Clark

On the command line, I run a java one-liner to process an XML file using
an XSL. Here is the one-liner:

java -Dcom.jclark.xsl.sax.parser=com.sun.xml.parser.Parser
com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver kitten.xml cats.xsl 

The output that I should receive should be HTML of the kitten.xml file.
However, the output that I actually receive is simply the contents of
cats.xsl. This is happening with any XML/XSL combination so I'm guessing
that the parsing is failing, but I'm not sure how, why, who, etc. 

Does anyone know why this one-liner would not output the correct HTML? 

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. 


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