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   RE: Changing the DTD declaration at runtime

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  • From: Mike Hatalski <mhatalski@ipnetsolutions.com>
  • To: Laura Neitzel <laura.neitzel@moai.com>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 11:24:31 -0700

I thought I sent this out yesterday, but didn't see it show up on the

What about using an entity resolver that is "aware" specific dtd/mod
files and resolves them to the local filesystem?

Arbortext has a catalog class that you might be able to use.
Take a look at

> From: Eric Bohlman [mailto:ebohlman@netcom.com]
> On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Laura Neitzel wrote:
> > We think that one of the best ways to deal with this is to 
> refer to the dtd
> > directly through the filesystem 
> (file:\d:\dtd\1.0\mydtd.dtd). However, for
> > various reasons, we can't put the filesystem path in the 
> xml document
> > itself. We'd like to be able to translate
> > http://www.webserver.com/dtd/1.0/mydtd.dtd to local path
> > file:\d:\dtd\1.0\mydtd.dtd. 
> This is one of the situations that public IDs were invented for.  Does
> Xerces have the ability to resolve public IDs?  Somebody 
> (name escapes me
> at the moment) fairly recently wrote a set of classes that 
> implements John
> Cowan's XML Catalog proposal, which among other things allows the
> remapping of SYSTEM as well as PUBLIC IDs.  If the implementor doesn't
> chime in, take a look at http://www.xmlhack.com; IIRC it was 
> written up as
> a news item there.

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