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   RE: Parsing a DTD

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  • From: "John Hosage" <jhosage@virtc.com>
  • To: <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:33:05 -0400


I having been experimenting with the Oracle parser to get at the DTD
information.  Oracle gives an example of getting to the DTD at


It is in the SampleMain program under "Processing the DTD to Generate Java
Classes". The summary of it is:

XMLParser parser = new XMLParser();
parser.parseDTD(fileToURL(args[2]), args[1]);
XMLDocument doc = parser.getDocument();
DTD dtd = (DTD)doc.getDoctype();

Once you get the DTD, get the elements in the DTD with method
getElementDecls().  That gives you a list with members of class ElementDecl.
For an ElementDecl, get it's attributes with getAttribDecls().  The returns
a list with members of Class AttrDecl.

The children are in the parsetree in the ElementDecl.  If the content type
is not EMPTY or ANY, there is a parse tree.  Get it with the getParseTree()
method.  It is a binary tree.

I haven't tried to access the DTD with any of the other parsers yet.

Have fun,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-xml-dev@xml.org [mailto:owner-xml-dev@xml.org]On Behalf Of
> Marcus Thuresson
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 10:01 AM
> To: XML-Dev
> Subject: Parsing a DTD
> Hi,
> does anyone how can to get access to the information in a DTD? What I want
> to do is to use the information of the DTD in an algorithm where I need to
> know which Elements that can appear as Children to another Element. Are
> there any parsers that support this functionality?
> Thank you!
> \ Marcus
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