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   helpful xpath utilities (for IE)

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  • From: "Aaron Skonnard" <aarons@develop.com>
  • To: "Xml-Dev@Xml. Org" <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 21:59:04 -0600

Here are a couple of new IE/DHTML utilities for XPath. The first is an
interactive XPath/XSLPatterns expression builder. If you saw my previous
one, this one is a big improvement because it highlights the selected nodes
as you type. If you're trying to learn XPath, it might be helpful. It also
places a dot in front of the selected nodes to help identify the selection
if you type something like this: //*

[1] http://staff.develop.com/aarons/bits/xpath-builder
(requires IE5 and MSXML 3.0)

The second utility automatically abbreviates a verbose XPath expression. It
collapses 'child::', 'attribute::', '/descendant-or-self::node()/',
'self::node()', 'parent::node()', and [position() = 5] variants into their
corresponding abbreviations.

[2] http://staff.develop.com/aarons/bits/xpath-compress
(only requires IE4, I think)

If you find these useful, you may want to check out this similar XSLT

[3] http://staff.develop.com/aarons/bits/dhtml-xslt/default.htm

Any feedback is appreciated,


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