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   Speaker deadline (XML DevCon Fall, San Jose)

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  • From: "KenNorth" <KenNorth@email.msn.com>
  • To: <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 15:54:22 -0700

XML DevCon 2000 Fall
November 12-15, 2000
San Jose, CA

** Call for Speakers ends July 31, 2000 **

The call for speakers for XML DevCon 2000 in San Jose closes in four weeks.
The recent DevCon in New York City drew delegates from 25 countries and sold
out in advance, so we've added a track for the November event.

If you'd like to speak at the San Jose event, point your browser to the URL
below and submit a session abstract by July 31, 2000:

No product pitches!

The conference focus is enterprise XML and the educational program includes
five tracks:

- Wireless and Messaging
- Middleware and Application Servers
- Java and DBMS Technologies
- Applied XML and eBusiness
- Developer Techniques

We've seen a strong interest in the fall conference by potential speakers.
The San Jose program will include sessions about Quilt, SOAP, XML Query,
HL7, Schemas and Conceptual Modeling, XUL and Netscape Navigator, tpaML,
Cocoon, WAP and WML, Tspaces, Scripting Languages, Content Aggregation and
other topics of interest to developers. The program will also include
sessions about Java (e.g., JDOM), databases, BizTalk, XSLT transformations,
and Enterprise Application Integration.

We will announce the final program after the July 31 deadline.

================== Ken North =============================
ken_north@compuserve.com  71301.1306@compuserve.com  KenNorth@msn.com

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