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   RE: What Can One Do If...?

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  • From: Cedric ROUVRAIS <crouvrais@octo.fr>
  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 18:23:30 +0200

well as i see things:

1/ the better of the two is going to win, so be smarter ! it's called

2/ "if a thief were smart he wouldn't be a thief" :o) [Fenton HARDY, The
Hardy Boys, sorry forgot the author's name, too far away in my child hood!]
so forget this guy ! who cares anyway, you're the one who came out with the
if he goes commercial just contact his customers and say : "hey i invented
this stuff, he stole it. come 'n see me, i'm the brains in the outfit and
i'll get it right for you" and you've got the mailing list to prove it

3/  legal stuff
a: legally you do have intellectual rights on XPL source code, unless he can
prove that he improved your idea and in that case it's going to be hard
times. however if you gpl'd your code he can't copyright it, period.
b: regarding XPL as a name, if it isn't set as a trademark you can't a
thing. you can still beat him and register it, but it's going to cost you

4/ with time he'll probably dissappear. copy cats aren't inventors, so he
won't improve it.

5/ i agree with SR, have you contacted the guy ? he might be translating
your stuff (doubtful though). more like someone trying to appear smart.
maybe he's looking for a job and pulled the site to show off. anyhow i'd
first get in touch with him before shooting him.

6/ tell him he's a disgrace to his ancestors and that in his next life he'll
go about on his belly.

7/ contact his provider and request him *nicely* to pull the site down.

a++ cedric

most unfortuneatly he isn't improving the japanese reputation of being copy

sorry 'bout that, i had to say it, nothing personal there.
don't spam me for the remark though, thanks

> -----Original Message-----
> From: haustein@kiew.cs.uni-dortmund.de
> [mailto:haustein@kiew.cs.uni-dortmund.de]On Behalf Of Stefan Haustein
> Sent: mercredi 19 juillet 2000 17:29
> To: Michael Lauzon
> Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: Re: What Can One Do If...?
> Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> >
> > > What can someone do, if someone steals your idea, writes the acronym
> > > the same way you do, and steals early code ideas, and then says he/she
> > > copyrighted it.
> >
> > choose
> >  a) laugh, and walk away
> >  b) mortgage your house, and hire a lawyer
> Before b), I would try to contact the corresponding
> person in order to be sure that it is not just a
> kind of misunderstanding....
> Best,
> Stefan
> --
> Stefan Haustein
> Univ. Dortmund, FB 4, LS 8   tel: +49 231 755 2499
> Baroper Str. 301             fax: +49 231 755 5105
> D-44221 Dortmund (Germany)   www-ai.cs.uni-dortmund.de


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