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   Re: <xsl:insert> - Further Description - Simpler Example

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  • From: tpassin@home.com
  • To: "Xml-Dev@Xml. Org" <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 00:16:46 -0400


Here is a way to put a (well-formed) part of an xml file into an output file
wherever you want.  I think this will do what you want.  It's essentially an
"xsl:insert" substitute.

The example has a "content.xml" file that contains some html markup.  There
is a configuration file that contains information about the header, footer,
and content.  The stylesheet inserts the various bits of information at
different points within the output file, including echoing the "content"
file into the output.

These examples are simple, but I think they do everything you want.  The
only place you have to make changes for any specific set of pages is in the
config file.  This is what you want to do, you shouldn't be making changes
to your stylesheet(s) if you don't absolutely have to.

Below are given the content file, the config file, the stylesheet, and the
transformed result.
I used XT.  The command line is:

xt content.xml main.xsl


Tom Passin

//////content.xml //////
<content><h1 class='c1'>Content of document 1</h1>
This is the content of document 1

//////config.xml ///////
 <header><bgcolor>red</bgcolor><title>Red Header</title></header>

///////// main.xsl ////////
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:variable name="config-file" select="document('config.xml')"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
  Header color: <xsl:value-of select="$config-file//header/bgcolor"/>.
  Header text: <xsl:value-of select="$config-file//header/title"/>.

======= Content: ==========

<xsl:copy-of select="/content/node()"/>
======= End of content =========

  Footer color: <xsl:value-of select="$config-file//footer/bgcolor"/>.

////////// OUTPUT /////////
D:>xt content.xml main.xsl

                Header color: red.
                Header text: Red Header.

======= Content: ==========

<h1 class="c1">Content of document 1</h1>
This is the content of document 1

======= End of content =========

                Footer color: yellow.


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