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   RE: XML, MicroSoft, Torquemada and Comics (was RE: XML in .NET - moretha

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  • From: "Bullard, Claude L (Len)" <clbullar@ingr.com>
  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 15:29:45 -0500

Sebastian writes:

>when people start quoting the awful Arthur C, you know we're in
>trouble. Heinlein and Asimov can only be one step behind.

The classics, yes.  Of course, from a land that also gave us 
Dr Who, that is quite comforting.

>I have read some travesties of the Odyssey in my time, but this one
>takes the pip. 

True, but what can you expect when one learns 
classics from comic books?  

>if lions could speak, we would not be able to understand them

As long as they use well-formed XML, who cares?  



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