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   Fwd: "HOW TO RELAX" has been updated.

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  • From: Murata Makoto <mura034@attglobal.net>
  • To: xml-dev@xml.org
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 01:25:12 +0900

If you would like to use a non-proprietary schema language right 
now but do not want to give up future migration to XML Schema, then 
RELAX is a possibility.  As reported in the attached message, 
RELAX is steadily making progress.  

The official site for RELAX is:

The mailing list for RELAX is:	


Affilated researcher of IUJ(International University of JAPAN) Research Institute
Visiting researcher of IBM Tokyo Research Lab


> We have simplified STEP 8, and finally translated STEPs 9 and 10.  
> Questions and comments are highly appreciated.
> http://www.xml.gr.jp/relax/
> The rewrite of XML Spec DTD in RELAX has been also revised.  Next week, 
> I will publish a sketch of semi-deterministic top-down verifier 
> with one lookahead.  This sketch should provide enough information 
> for starting implementation of the RELAX verifier.
> After publishing some errata to RELAX Core, we will start to translate 
> the RELAX Core specification.  I hope to publish it in August.  The 
> INSTAC XML S-WG of Japan intends to submit RELAX Core to ISO in 
> September or October.
> Cheers,
> MURATA Makoto


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