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   RE: [ANN] Update: XSLT-Tool and Installer

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  • From: Joshua Allen <joshuaa@microsoft.com>
  • To: "'johns@syscore.com'" <johns@syscore.com>, xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 12:26:03 -0700

You would have to check with Mike Kay -- the tool simply downloads Saxon
from ICL and unzips it.  Seems strange that the HTML files in the distribution
would be infected (although I am not going to risk checking!).  Do you think
it may be a false positive?
-----Original Message-----
From: johns@syscore.com [mailto:johns@syscore.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 11:25 AM
To: Joshua Allen; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: RE: [ANN] Update: XSLT-Tool and Installer

I ran the install tool and got a message for every one of the SAXON HTML files that they were infected with a "VB.Love" virus from Norton AV.

John F Schlesinger
SysCore Solutions
212 619 5200 x 219
917 886 5895 Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Allen [mailto:joshuaa@microsoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 4:17 PM
To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: [ANN] Update: XSLT-Tool and Installer
Importance: Low

The XSLT Test tool is used to write XSLT transforms and compare
output of various processors side-by side.  Current processors
supported include MSXML, Saxon, Xalan, Xt, Instant Saxon, and
Oracle XSL.  This release includes a bug fix and adds option
to preserveWhitespace when using MSXML.  The tool is at
is yours to do with as you wish.  I only wrote it for Windows.
Also included with this update is an automatic installer tool.
The install tool will automatically download and install MSXML,
Saxon, Xalan, Xt, Oracle XML, Xerces, the XSLT Test Tool and
MSXML SDK and Documentation to your machine.  The
tool is a 52kb self-extracting .EXE and will also install Winzip
to your machine if you do not have it (thanks to help from
Murakami Shinyu).  A number of people have used the install
tool and report success.  The installer is at


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