If this question had been asked before - my
apologies. I could not find a way to search the archives. What would be
the most efficient way to map DTD elements to tables and columns in a Relational
Database. I am not too worried about (at this time, will be later) the
actual implementation startegies like ADOs etc. I am more concerned with -
'when I parse an xml document I need to use a set of rules to store them in DB.
How do I create , store and maintain those rules' . The first thing that
came to my mind was to use XSLT. But the concern I have is would it still work
if its not a one to one mapping meaning each leaf element does not
correpond to a column. Can I embed SQL in XSL. Is XSLT the right way to
go. Are there any off-the-shelf solutions available now. Thanks a