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   Call for Speakers closes December 7 (XML DevCon 2001, New York City)

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  • From: Ken North <ken_north@compuserve.com>
  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 12:43:22 -0800

Call for Participation / Call for Speakers
XML DevCon 2001
New York City (April 8-11, 2001)

Are you interested in doing a presentation or a tutorial for an audience of
XML developers? The call for speakers for XML DevCon 2001 (New York City,
April 8-11) closes on December 7, 2000.

We are interested in proposals from speakers for technical presentations (60
or 90 minutes), and for half-day and full-day tutorials. The conference is
organized in six (6) tracks of classes:

- Applied XML, EAI, and eBusiness
- Java and Scripting
- Wireless and Messaging
- Servers and Middleware
- Developer Techniques
- Query, Schema, Databases

We expect our 2001 events to maintain our reputation of providing quality
professional education for hard-core developers. No product pitches.

Call for Speakers:

Info about the recent conference in San Jose:


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