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   Re: Build the delta from two xml documents

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  • From: Robin LaFontaine <robin@monsell.co.uk>
  • To: "Komoll, Oliver" <O.Komoll@klopotek.de>,"'xml-dev@lists.xml.org'" <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 10:56:53 +0000


We have a solution to your problem, although it has not been publicly 
released yet, it is still in beta test.

We can take your DTD and produce a comparator (Java) for you that 
knows about the DTD and can make an intelligent comparison between 
the files, even if some elements are not ordered.

The result is a delta file which is an XML file, so can be processed 
in any way you like. One way to process it is to use XSL to generate 
HTML to view the diffs in a browser - we can provide this for you.

There is  a _preliminary_ web site at www.deltaxml.com

Please send us your DTD, and some example files, and we should be 
able to help you.


At 10:23 am +0100 20/12/00, Komoll, Oliver wrote:
>i look for a solution to solve the following problem:
>i want to build a xml-based interface to pass my data to a client(Web etc.)
>and i dont know in which way the client manipulates the data and what in the
>xml-document was changed, inserted or deleted.
>What i have is the original-document and the changed-document (both based on
>the same DTD). How can i determine the delta from the two documents ?
>Please dont say "alphaworks", cause the license is only for 90 days and
>there solutions (diff/merge, xmltreediff) couldt not be sold :-(
>any free or commercial suggestion for java or xpath ???

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Robin La Fontaine, Monsell EDM Ltd
(Engineering data exchange and management using XML, R&D Project Management)
Tel: +44 1684 592 144 Fax: +44 1684 594 504
Email: robin@monsell.co.uk       http://www.monsell.co.uk


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