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RE: loadXMl() with NS6

From http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/ with hyperlink added and note

document.load() is a DOM extension invented by Microsoft. The load method takes one argument, a string, which is interpreted as a URI to an XML document. It tries to load the document asynchronously,
so you will need to set an event handler to observe the load event to do something after the document has loaded. See the load sample in the XML tests directory
(http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/xml/tests/load/). [Note: Loading the load.html file from the LXR generated page will not work and may crash Mozilla/Netscape 6 because LXR will munge
the test.xml file into HTML and serve it as HTML. To test this functionality, create the files on your local disk or on a webserver.]

My note:
LXR is their browser interface to their CVS, save the sample to a local
file and then edit it instead of directly trying to load it and then
view source.

If you want to build a DOM programmatically, call document.implementation
will get you a DOMImplementation interface that you can build a 
document by making calls to createDocument(), createElement(), etc
from the DOM Level 2 Spec.

I believe that DOM Level 3 intends to provide a standard mechanism for 
obtaining a DocumentBuilder for ECMAScript.  For now, call document.implementation for Netscape and new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument").DOMImplementation to build the DOMImplementation.