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RE: almost four years ago....

Quoting Michael Champion <mike.champion@softwareag-usa.com>:

> Not really wishing to start up the binary XML/ASN.1 argument again, but
> it
> would be nice
> to see concrete, real-world data supporting this assertion.  How MUCH
> better
> does XML-aware compression work than a generic tool? How much more or
> less
> computation does it require?

1) When the implementations are ready I'm suggesting a fair comparison: 

2) I accidentally sent my last email to you instead of the list due to being 
not used to my new mailer. Ooops. Please can your forward it for me if you 
haven't deleted it already? Thanks...


                               Alaric B. Snell
 http://www.alaric-snell.com/  http://RFC.net/  http://www.warhead.org.uk/
   Any sufficiently advanced technology can be emulated in software