----- Original Message -----
Sent: 21 June 2001 18:08
Subject: more tools tested on "XHTML 1.1
with SVG and MathML DTD" (XML isn 'tsimple)
Some more experiences with Modular XHTML and XML tools.
>We developed according to the rules specified in the W3C
recommendation of >10th april 2001 "Modularization of XHTML" an XHTML Host
Language Document >Type leaving out some XHTML modules and including SVG
and MathML.
>We wondered how different XML tools could handle this DTD
in which >parameter entities and conditional sections are heavily
a)XML Validator from Elcel Technology
b)Stylus Studio
Doesn't, since it
doesn't seem to read external entities, leading to the error message "entity
NS.prfixed not found", meaning not defined.
c) Morphon editor
????, Pops up the
parser error window but without any message, just a grey screen. If you close
this error message, the editor seems to be working according to the rules
defined by the DTD.
Pro Text
Paul Hermans
Leuvensesteenweg 282/c
3190 Boortmeerbeek
+32 15 61 85 45
15 62 03 99 (fax)