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SQL and XML (was RE: Help!)

Title: SQL and XML (was RE: Help!)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bullard, Claude L (Len) [mailto:clbullar@ingr.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 9:22 AM
> To: Ronald Bourret; Purvesh Sharma
> Cc: xml-dev
> Subject: RE: Help!

> Depending on the data source, it is likely that
> SQL will be the most industrially used XML query
> language for some time.  It has the advantage
> of clarity, ease, and years of experience in
> optimization.   The XPath syntax is gnomic and 
> prone to misinterpretation particularly when
> using namespaces. 

Does anyone know about the status of the ANSI/ISO SQL effort
to add XML support to SQL?  Looking quickly at the latest working
draft at ftp://sqlstandards.org/SC32/WG3/Progression_Documents/Informal_working_drafts/wd-xml-2001-06.pdf
I see a lot of wrestling with the mapping of SQL data types to XML Schema data types.  Is there more coming in the way of mapping SQL operations onto XML hierarchies (e.g., incorporating XPath-like expressions?), am I missing something, or what?

Or perhaps are the SQL standards people primarily interested in presenting the results of an RDBMS query in XML syntax, and not querying for XML content in a database?