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RE: Client-side XSLT. Re: Bad News on IE6 XML Support

>OK, I agree. Now let us see in one year from now how many pages 
>on the web will provide client-side XSLT ? ( By the way, even 

Well, if I were to guess why this has not caught on before now, it is
because Netscape did not support it, and developers do not want to make
a page that cannot be supported on Netscape; and equally because IE only
supported the WD-xsl namespace by default and developers had to do funny
tricks to make IE support the *real* XSLT namespace.  IE6 *and* NS6.1
both support the correct namespace "out of the box".  This is something
I have been hoping for for two years, and now I can hear bells ringing
in the sky :-)  Happy days are here, and I expect we will finally see
some people using client-side XSLT more commonly.