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Re: [xml-dev] Edd Dumbill on SVG

At 08:48 PM 9/12/2001 -0400, Champion, Mike wrote:
>Am I smoking (metaphorical) dope here, or does SVG almost make one believe
>that there is hope for the XML world after all?

It gives me hope, anyway, and I'm apparently a notorious pessimist.

I pushed the Macromedia folks at WEB 2001 to support SVG (and SMIL).  I'd 
love to see Microsoft support it.  Those two hopes may mark me as a 
ridiculous optimist, but SVG is really cool stuff.

There's been some concern expressed that SVG is not too far off from XSL-FO 
(as in Formatting Objects Considered Harmful [1]), but I'm happy to see a 
solid vector graphics-based presentation language using an XML vocabulary.

[1] - http://www.myopera.com/people/howcome/1999/foch.html

Simon St.Laurent
Associate Editor
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.